Online Walrus Resources: USGS and Biological

Two great pages with lots of Walrus info, and in the case of the USGS, the Pacific Walrus International Database (PWID), described as:

The Pacific Walrus International Database (PWID) is a comprehensive set of Pacific walrus biological data collected by several participating organizations in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Data compilation was focused on abundance and distribution data, however, other types of data are included. Data categories include: land and ice haulout counts, sex/age composition, reproduction, mortality, harvest statistics, and morphometry. As of September 1998, the database includes reference to 33 data sets. The PWID includes metadata for every data set, but for some data sets the data may have been retained by the data owner.

There are a lot of research-oriented walrus resources here. Note being familiar with this type of government-run site, I’m impressed with the amount of data available. Looks like a solid resource for anyone whose interest in Walrus requires some deep data.

Here’s the USGS walrus info page:

If your interest runs more towards conservation and endangered species concerns, you should visit the Pacific Walrus page at the Center for Biological Diversity. Here is the mission statement from their website:

At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law, and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters, and climate that species need to survive.

Here’s the information page on the Pacific Walrus :

The page includes a link to…wait for it… A Pacific Walrus cellphone ringtone! (signup required)

Queue this up for “Survivor: Greenland”

Or somewhere far north like that. I’ve accidentally stumbled upon the term “Igunak” in my ongoing walrus fact-exploring. What is it, you ask? Well, I’ll leave it to intrepid reporter Jackie S Quire who explains on her blog, “A Journey Northwards

So while I never really had any interest in trying igunak… I did, unintentionally, last night… and I will probably not partake again. I tried it. Then covertly hid what was left in the pouch of my hoodie, and disposed of it in the washroom. I don’t think I fooled anyone though, haha.

Here’s a link to the entire post, with her experience. I think I’ll leave this one to the locals, and of course, the reality TV comtestants.